Lady Nina Birch | ||
One of my Passions is for TV Slut Cocksucking training I may need to Pimp you out. I take immense Pleasure in Training a Good Slut to take a good pegging with my huge Strapon. I love extreme and Enforced Transformations & Rubber Dollies are always such fun to play with. Come and Join my Growing Community of Tgirls, Crossdressers, Sissies & Trannies and all those who love them. |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Please see the list below for our range of most frequently asked questions. Click on a question to see the answer. If your question is not covered below, please contact our Support Team and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
1. Joining, Billing & Cancelling |
- I can't join online with my credit card
Check you have filled out your details correctly or try using a different card if possible. We are not involved with any aspect of the credit card transaction process, therefore you will need to contact our online designated E-ticket Supplier and Access Management Provider CCBill.
Alternatively you can try our secondary Credit Card sales agent Paycom / Epoch, or try our alternative payment options - see question 1.2 below.
If none of these options resolve your query please contact our Technical Support team.
- Can I join without using a credit card?
Yes, you can pay us directly by Post, Contact Us for details. (If you are looking for a totally discreet way to have access to our site - open a free Hotmail email account for us to send you these postal details, then later your membership details.)
- I've lost my Username/Password or I want to review my subscription/membership
- For CCBill memberships, please visit the CCBill Support site
- For all other membership Support, please contact us
If none of these options resolve your query please contact our Technical Support team.
- I want to cancel my recurring membership
We PROMISE a swift and easy cancellation process. Please chose a link below, depending on your Access Management Provider:
- CCBill Customers click here and follow the simple instructions
If you are experiencing problems cancelling your membership, please contact our Technical Support team with as much detail as possible relating to your original transaction and we will ensure your membership is cancelled without delay.
- I have contacted your Technical Support a number of times but am getting no reply to my emails?
Technical support & membership related questions will always be replied to. We pride ourselves on our polite, speedy and helpful support service. Many times when we reply to members our messages are bounced back to us because of Spam filters or blocked email addresses. If you are continually receiving no response from us please make sure our mails can get through to you and ensure that our emails do not land in your junk folder. Why not open a free and totally private Hotmail account to contact us through?
- I have just joined the site and can't get into the members area?
To enter the members area you must type your username and password into a box that will appear when you click on the members button on the navigation bar.
The number 1 issue with failed logins is simply not entering the username and password exactly as they are sent to you. Remember that both username and password are case-sensitive! That "username" is not the same as "UserName" and that you must use include all special characters listed (including, for example, "/"s at the end - or anywhere else). We recommend you copy and paste your details from the signup confirmation email into the relevant login form, and tick the "save my password" box.
2. Appearing in Tranny Training Movies |
- Enquires from Ladies, Prodoms & genuine couples who love to cross-dress their men
Tranny-Training would like to hear from: experienced Ladies, Prodoms and genuine couples who love to cross-dress their men - who would be interested in appearing in our movies. Please include a recent photo and details of your experience.
Please note we will keep your details on file and only contact you when/if we have a suitable shoot. We apologise that we can’t reply to your enquiry, but due to the number of emails we receive this is currently not possible.
Please Contact Us - Enquires from 'Special Girls' who love to dress including: TVs, CDs, TGirls, Sluts, Sissies & Rubber Dollies
If you're a 'special girl', enjoy enforced feminisation or just love to dress (in anyway, even just panties) and are interested in appearing in a Tranny-Training movie then send us a detailed email listing your preferences, any experiences, type of movie plots in which you would want to appear and any absolute limits. You need to state where you are based, whether you drive, when you are available and how we can contact you. If you have your own clothes, special kit etc. please also let us know. Please send a link to your Fetlife profie or a recent photo along with your measurements and website membership ID. Expenses paid.
If your mail does not contain the above. YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Though not needed initially if you do work with us we will need a mobile number to contact you on before the shoot.
Please note we will keep your details on file and only contact you when/if we have a suitable shoot. We apologise that we can’t reply to your enquiry, but due to the number of emails we receive this is currently not possible.
Please contact: Contact Us
3. Privacy Statement |
- What name will appear on my credit card?
To protect your privacy, any charges will discreetly appear as CCBill or Epoch on your credit card statement.
- Will you do anything with the information you hold on me?
We are committed to protecting your privacy online. We do not share the information that you have provided to us with third parties. In addition, we do not store any billing information. For further information please read CCBill's Privacy Policy or see our Privacy Policy statement below.
- Will I receive emails from Tranny-Training? Our Discretion Promise
Tranny-Training promises our members complete discretion and so will not contact members under any circumstances unless replying to an enquiry made by them.
- Privacy Policy
At no time, unless such disclosure is required by law or a user specifically authorizes such disclosure, will Tranny-Training disclose individual user personal information. We will not send you (via either regular or email) product notifications or other advertising. All details required to complete payment processing takes place on a secure server. Although, like most major websites, we use cookies to record session information, Tranny-Training does not use cookies to retain personal information about our users. If you have any questions concerning any aspect of site privacy please contact our Technical Support team.
4. Technical Help |
- The movies will not play on my computer?
All our movies are encoded as both MP4 and WMVs (Windows Media Video).
For the WMVs you need a media player that supports this format. On PCs, we recommend Windows Media Player, which is generally complimentary with the Windows operating system. Make sure you have the latest version installed, which can be downloaded for free here.
If you are viewing the site from a Mac, we recommend the Flip4Mac WMV plugin for Quicktime, which is available freely here.
- What is the best format for me to use to watch/keep the movies?
We offer a number of ways for you to watch/keep our movies:
You can watch them via the site as an MP4 this is fast and discreet as the movie does not download to your computer.
You may want to download the movie to keep - we offer two format options for downloading:
MP4 - The highest quality for you to download large, high quality versions of our films
Mobile MP4 - For phones, mobile devices (Our mobile MP4 offers small file size which is also therefore suitable for old dial-up modems) - How do I save my favourite movies?
Click on the download button - choose an option in the drop down box, click on the 'file size link' ie. 75.05MB', then click 'save' in the file download box that appears.
Some uses may need to right click on the 'file size link' - (Mac users: hold CTRL then click) - click Save Target as... (or Save Link as..., or similar) and save the file to a folder on your hard drive
Now wait for it to download, remember where you have saved it, you will then be able to keep the movie and view it when you are offline.
- Can I join the movie parts together?
You can download all our movies from the site as complete movies.
However, if you prefer to put them together yourself for WMVs - Drag and drop all the parts/clips you want to play in sequence into your Windows Media Player playlist. Or, to remake the full movie from the parts/clips - open a new folder on your computer, put all the files you want to play in it, then right click over the folder and select 'Play with Media Player' from the drop down list (once you've created the new folder you may need to come out of your explorer and go back in before the drop down box with the media player option appears).
Alternatively, you can buy or download free trial software that enables you to join MP4 & WMV movie parts/clips together. Try Movie Toolbox or the free Windows Movie Maker, Mac users can try IMovie. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for third-party software.
- Why does my film appear jerky or the picture is stuck?
Why does my film appear jerky? When you click on a movie it starts to download to your computer. It will begin to play before the whole file has downloaded but may appear jerky during this buffering process. Once the complete file is downloaded (after the movie has played through once) you can click ‘play’ again and it should play perfectly.
I fast forwarded/rewound my film and now the picture is stuck? This is a problem with certain older versions of Windows Media Player. It is usually resolved by clicking on the movie screen, as this seems to 'unfreeze' the picture. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version.
- I can't get into the members area?
To enter the members area you must type your username and password into a box that will appear when you click on the members button on the navigation bar. The number 1 issue with failed logins is simply not entering the username and password exactly as they are sent to you. Remember that both username and password are case-sensitive! That "username" is not the same as "Username" & that you must use include all special characters listed (including, for example, "/"s at the end - or anywhere else). We recommend you copy and paste your details from the signup confirmation email into the relevant login form, and tick the "save my password" box.
- I seem to be locked out of the members area?
Occasionally, legitimate account holders' login details are suspended. This is done automatically by our password protection software because the same details have been found to be used by many different people.
If you know this login to be the one you paid for, please contact us with your subscription number, and your account will be restored and you will be sent a new password. We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience, but this is a necessary step to protect the content you have legitimately paid for.
- How do I download & view the photographs in a ZIP file?
A zip file is a compressed archive containing one or more files. Windows XP, Vista and Mac OS X users can view ZIP files just as if they were a folder on their computer, other users may need an utility that can read and extract ZIP files.
If you want to download all photographs from a gallery as a ZIP file, click on the relevant link and save the resulting ZIP file to a location on your computer. If you're an XP, Vista, or Mac OS X user you can now navigate to that location and open the ZIP file just as if it were a regular folder, and either view the photos within or extract the whole contents to another location of your choice.
If your operation system can't read ZIP files natively, please try one of the following utilities. Windows users can try WinZIP, WinRAR or 7-Zip, among others. Mac users might want to try ZipIt, and Linux users can use the zip command line.
- How do I watch a movie on my Ipod or other mobile device?
If you want to save our movies to watch back later on your mobile device/Ipod you need to first save the 'mobile MP4' version/format on your computer, then transfer the file to your mobile device via Itunes or your other proprietary software.
Once you have downloaded the MP4 file, open your Itunes application and select: File / Add File To Library - this will open a new window where you can locate the file previously downloaded. When you next 'sync' your Ipod the movie will be available for viewing on your mobile device.
5. Additional Information |
- Password Sharing
This site operates software that identifies multiple users / sharing of passwords. Any deliberate offenders will find their accounts terminated.
- All contents Copyright © Tranny-Training
Our members are welcome to view and download the images and movies on this site for their own personal use. The images, movies & other content of this site are copyrighted and as such are: not to be sold, posted, uploaded, redistributed, web shared, reproduced or used for any other purpose commercial or otherwise without permission.
File sharing is theft - when you become a member of this site you have agreed not to give out / share our copyrighted movies with anyone or any websites, any members found doing this will face a life ban from this site and can risk being sued for our loss of earnings.
More importantly however, this kind of theft will stop the growth of the site possibly leading to: less regular uploads; less material available on the site each month; an end to complete movie downloads; and the implementation of DRM - Digital Rights Managment ie. members can only watch movies with a licence while they remain members of the site. So please support us, our hard work and don't let this happen - this is your site, report stolen movies to us ASAP.
- Material Theft
We now have software that can trace back and identify users that have uploaded our copyrighted material.
If you post / upload / download / web share material downloaded from this site, you are stealing, you are violating our copyright and breaking the law. It is an offence whether you profit from it or not. Courts around the world including the United States Supreme Court have ruled that businesses and individuals can be prosecuted for this kind of illegal use of copyrighted material. You are not anonymous when you illegally upload / download / post / share copyrighted material. Offenders can be traced and actions against individuals have previously been taken. Many leading websites and message boards work together to share information on persistent offenders and then band together to bring civil cases against these individuals. Under copyright law you can be held liable and sued for the earnings lost by the websites. In more serious cases criminal charges can be brought.
- Site Terms & Conditions of Use
For the purpose of the Terms and Conditions laid out herein, a "Member" shall be referred to as a subscription member, who without coercion has subscribed a fee for access to the website.
1. Copyright
All content within is protected by International Copyright Law. Duplication, display, and publication of the material and images is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
2. Membership
Membership entry codes are restricted to one set of 'pass codes' per member. Specialist software is used to ensure that the password system is not abused. Should any misuse of the membership coding be identified, reserves the right to terminate the offending membership without notice.
3. Access
Access is available to subscription members over the age of 18 and in accordance with the disclaimer notification prior to entry to website. reserves the right to terminate an individual's membership at any time, without notice, for conduct that is in breach of the terms and conditions stated herein or that violates local or international laws or regulations.
4. Data Protection
All information provided to by any means of communication will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be used for any other purpose than for that which the information was volunteered or collected, or as required by law. will not release or sell any such information, including email addresses, to any third party.
5. Limitations of Liability and Warranty
Members agree that the use of the site is entirely at the member's own risk. does not provide a warranty of any kind for the content and as such shall not be liable for any user's reliance on the content. disclaims any warranties for the security, accuracy, and performance of the disclaims any warranties for other services or goods received through or advertised on the site or via any links provided on the site, including any information or advice received through the site or through any links provided within the site. shall not be liable to any user on account of that user's reliance on the site. Such limitation of liability shall apply to prevent recovery of direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive and exemplary damages. Such limitation of liability shall apply whether the damages arise from use or reliance on the site, from inability to use the site, or from the interruption, suspension, or termination of the site or services offered on the site (including such damages incurred by third parties). Such limitation shall also apply with respect to damages incurred by reason of other services or goods received through or advertised on the site or received through any links provided on the site, as well as by reason of any information or advice received through or advertised on the site or received through any links provided on the site. Without limitation, this applies to the costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, lost profits, or lost data. Such limitation shall apply with respect to the performance or non-performance of the site or any products, services, information, or merchandise that appears on, or is linked or related in any way to, the site or the host network. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. Such limitations shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law. are not liable for any conduct by partners or members associated with the Site. is not responsible or in any way liable for any content which is contained on a web-site linked to makes no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of any information on the Site and are not responsible for
1. Any errors or omissions arising from the use of such information;
2. Losses or damages arising from the use of the content or services provided by the is not responsible for the delivery of any goods or services sold or advertised through its sponsors, advertisers or its linked web-sites. reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.
- 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirments Compliance Statement
This site is in compliance with the Federal Labelling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all models were 18 years of age or older during the time of photography. All models's (photographic) proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed below, organized by the producer. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C 2257 and associated regulations.
Custodian of Records
Post: TEM Media LLC
296-1027 Davie Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 4L2
- Tranny-Training Declaration & Disclaimer
Tranny-Training only advocate and engage in responsible and safe BDSM activities between consenting adults. Video statements of consent retained. All persons participating in Tranny-Training are over 21 years old, photographic proof held on file. No activity at Tranny-Training breaks the participant's skin or causes any lasting damage.
- This Site is Unsuitable for Children
This site is labelled with the rating systems from SafeSurf & ICRA to help prevent minors accessing its content.
Tranny-Training is OPPOSED to all forms of child pornography help to fight child abuse support & report abuse to the ASACP.Google Advice for Online Child Safety
Parents please use these filtering programs to block this site from your children